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Land Use Workshops Reveal Detailed Local Knowledge
January 12, 2024
The Vergennes PEL Study has been a remarkable learning experience.
That was clearly evident during the five land use workshops that capped the work of the PEL Study team in 2023 and set the stage for the decisive year that lies ahead in 2024.
We Put You in the Driver’s Seat
Previewed at each of the land use workshops—one in Panton, one in New Haven, two in Vergennes, and one virtual—were newly created digital visualizations of the five routes being studied. These “drive-throughs” showed each roadway’s potential route through the surrounding landscape. (You can put yourself in the driver’s seat and view the visualizations here.)
Each of these routes is highly conceptual at this point and years away from anything like a final design. Their value right now is in providing a proposed route for local residents to react to and provide the feedback that is central to understanding what would benefit communities and what would challenge them.
What We Learned
The detailed local knowledge that emerged during these workshops is not only fundamental to the goals of the PEL Study—it was impressive.
We learned where wildlife like to travel and where cyclists like to ride. We learned where sewer and water infrastructure could be extended to create more housing. We learned about truck traffic that follows local roads rather than 22A and where children walk to school. And we learned both how much we in Addison County love where we live and how challenging it can be to envision where and how change might take place.
There is so much to be absorbed from the workshop discussions. Fortunately, the PEL Study team took copious notes, which you can read through at your leisure under the heading Public Workshop Materials here.
A Big Thank You!
If you’re reading this blog post, you may well have been one of the 150+ locals who took time out of their busy lives to attend one or more of these workshops. So let me end by saying, on behalf of the entire PEL Study team, THANK YOU for sharing your local knowledge, for listening to and respecting others’ opinions, and for your engagement with this important federal study of the future of northern Addison County.
And . . . we’re looking forward to continuing to hear from you throughout 2024! In the meantime, as always, if you have questions about our PEL Study, I’d like to hear from you. You can reach me on email at jgish@vhb.com or give me a call at 802 989-0608.
All the best,

Land Use Workshop in Progress